AI - Boon or Bane ?


With the growth in AI, there is a debate that whether AI is a boon or a bane. Some factors support AI to be a boon as well as a bane.

Factors that support AI to be a Boon:

  • Ease in Availability: Machines do not require refreshment like humans and can work for a longer periodThey are capable of performing tasks and work continuously and produce quality output
  • Daily Usage: Currently the most widely used machine in our daily life is a smartphone, which results knowingly and unknowingly using the benefits of AI. A few examples that demonstrate the use of AI in our daily life are speech recognition system used in our search engine on our smartphones, GPS used for navigation and fingerprint recognition and face recognition system in our smartphone for security.
  • Performing Complex Tasks: For a human performing tedious task is time-consuming. AI algorithms are developed to perform complex tasks. Machines are capable of performing multiple tasks at a particular period and function faster than humans.
  • Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants communicate with various users, thus resulting in less use of manpower. As machines do not have emotions they perform more logically and efficiently and thus arrive at the right decision.

AI as a Bane:

  • Incurs High Cost: With the use of AI the productivity enhances and efficient results are obtained but huge costs are incurred in the process as machines are very complex and complicated in their training. And machines require regular maintenance at a particular point of time thus resulting in bigger costs to incur.
  • Lack of Experience: Humans depend upon their experience and perform accordingly in the future whereas do not have experience. Machines act according to the algorithm that is set for its functioning. They do not react with the environment and this what creates the difference between machines and humans.
  • Unemployment: The growing concern in the global economy today is that will AI completely take over human jobs. To enhance the productivity enterprises are adopting AI-based technologies that are now replacing human jobs and making us more dependent on machines. This would lead to a major loss in the ability of thinking and result in creativity and ideas.

AI will grow further in the future and shape our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages. It has the factors that support it be a boon or bane. But still, there is a debate whether it will be a boon or a bane. We’ll come to know in the future whether it proves to be boon or bane.
